We work closely with our Guatemalan based counterpart, Asociación Compañero Para Cirugía, to change the lives of some of the world’s most forgotten people.
Partner for Surgery is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, incorporated in May, 2001 with the following mission:
To connect patients in need of surgical care in remote communities with the international volunteer triage and surgical teams that traveled to Guatemala, and to educate and empower rural Guatemalans to initiate and advocate for vital health care services on their own behalf.
We work closely with our Guatemalan based counterpart, Asociación Compañero Para Cirugía, to change the lives of some of the world’s most forgotten people.
Partner for Surgery originated when Todd Peterson, a Peace Corps in late 90’s volunteer in the most remote areas of Guatemala, realized the need for surgical care but found that many of the community members:
Troubled by the number of disabled community members, Todd investigated several local hospitals in search of one that would treat poor Guatemalans. He eventually discovered a hospital in Antigua where a handful of patients received surgical care and were freed from their former disabilities.
In 2001, Frank Peterson traveled to Guatemala to visit his son, Todd. During his visit, he saw the overwhelming need for surgical intervention for people in rural areas and the unfortunate lack of resources to get them.
Seeing the significant needs of people in the farthest regions, he returned to the United States, determined to help. He left his employment and founded Partner for Surgery (PFS) with his wife, Linda, and has dedicated the rest of his life to ensuring the surgical needs of thousands of Guatemalans are met.
Our work is possible by the generosity of our donors. Please consider donating through one of the following channels:
– Donate directly via Network for Good.
– Federal employees can contribute through the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC is 11624.
– Check with your company to see if it offers a matching gift program. Our EIN is 54-2034427.
– Send a check to our PO box:
Partner for Surgery
PO Box 388, McLean
VA 22101, USA
We are looking for volunteers to help Partner for Surgery transform more Guatemalan lives through medical and surgical care and education to prevent disease and birth defects.
If you would like to volunteer or know of someone who would be interested in joining Partner for Surgery, please send an e-mail to info@partnerforsurgery.org or call +1 (703) 338-8068.
© 2025 Partner for Surgery.