Our successful partnership with Asociacion Compañero para Cirugia (ACPC) permits our Rural Medical Missions to provide free medical care and surgical triage. Our primary objective is to target people in rural areas who suffer from medical conditions and require surgery.
The success of our programs is due to the groundwork done by our health promotors. They are vital in producing strategic partnerships with local government bodies and community leaders to reach patients in our communities. With these partnerships in place, we can locate areas of greatest need and travel to them to bring our mobile medical mission. A big part of this success is also the effort to build trust in the communities where we serve. The Health Promoters accomplish this because they come from among the people we do and speak the local language. As a result, when a mission comes their way, patients know they can trust us.
Cervical and Breast Cancer Prevention During our Rural Medical Missions, educational sessions are held for breast and cervical cancer evaluations. Early detection is also carried on a particular clinic so that women can identify the symptoms and seek help. Through acetic acid visual inspections, our nurses prepare each evaluation to detect precancerous cells in the cervix. If necessary, our nurses provide immediate cryotherapy treatment for any found abnormalities.
A Rural Medical Mission is nine days long, including travel to and from Guatemala and one cultural day. It runs from Saturday through the following Sunday.
For more information, please refer to our FAQs.