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Meet Our Leadership Team



Silvia Macario

Financial Director

Silvia Eugenia Macario Balán has been a part of the Partner for Surgery | Compañero para Cirugía team since March 2010. She is from Zaragoza, Chimaltenango, and currently serves as the Financial Director.

Silvia holds a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, and she is a qualified Attorney and Notary. She has previously worked as a General and Project Accountant at FUNDEBASE and ASECSA. Silvia is fluent in Spanish and enjoys swimming and visiting the countryside in her spare time. She is excited to contribute to the growth and development of the organization as a member of the team.


Emily López

Resource Development Manager

Emily López joined the Partner for Surgery team in April 2024, from Antigua Guatemala. Currently serving as the Resource Development Manager, Emily brings a wealth of expertise to her role.

With a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Rafael Landivar and a master’s degree in Digital Marketing & Social Media from the European Business School, Emily has previously excelled as a Development and Digital Communications Manager and Awards Manager. With over four years of experience in the nonprofit sector, both nationally and internationally, Emily is fluent in English and Spanish.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Emily finds joy in traveling and staying active.


Carlos Alberto Páez Galindo

Director of Patient Programming

Carlos has been a valued member of the Partner for Surgery team since March 2019. Originally from Guatemala City, Guatemala, he currently serves as the Director of Patient Programming.

Carlos, a former dentist, has extensive experience in logistics and administration within health-focused NGOs, as well as in bilingual operational roles. He is fluent in both Spanish and English. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the guitar.

Carlos is deeply aligned with and empathetic to the mission and vision of the organization. His foremost priority is to act as a catalyst for change as part of the team.

Meet Our Team Members



Nicolas Ramos

General Accountant

Nicolás Ramos joined the Partner for Surgery | Compañero para Cirugía team in November 2023. He is originally from Guatemala City and currently works as the General Accountant.

Nicolás holds a degree in Public Accounting and Auditing and has completed postgraduate studies in Financial Administration. He has worked as an Accounting Assistant at Partner for Surgery, a Financial Assistant and Internal Auditor in the Public Administration of the Government of Guatemala, particularly in entities focused on serving people with disabilities. Nicolás is fluent in Spanish and Maya Ixil. His favorite hobbies include traveling across Guatemala and enjoying the diverse regional cuisine. He is very happy to rejoin the team.


Otto Gómez

Financial Assistant

Otto Leonel Gomez Lemus has been with the Partner for Surgery | Compañero para Cirugía team since January 2023. He is from Santa Catarina Barahona, Sacatepéquez, and currently serves as the Financial Assistant in the Finance Department.

Otto is a qualified Electronics Technician and is currently a university student. He has previously worked as a Driver and IT Technician, he also has experience as a Logistics Coordinator. Otto speaks Spanish and enjoys playing soccer, chess, dancing, swimming, and spending time with his family. He is committed and filled with satisfaction to be part of the team, understanding the significant and rewarding mission of Partner for Surgery.


Irma Sabán

Operating Room Nurse

Irma Leticia Sabán Patzan has been part of the Partner for Surgery | Compañero para Cirugía team since February 2013. She is originally from San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, and currently serves as an Operating Room Nurse, supporting the IVAA program, and managing the inventory of medications and supplies.

Irma is a Medical Emergency Technician and Nursing Assistant, as well as a Volunteer Firefighter. She has worked as a Nursing Assistant at the Maternal and Child Center of Francisco Marroquín University and volunteered with the Volunteer Firefighters of Guatemala. She is fluent in Spanish and enjoys hiking, running, gardening, and traveling with her daughter. She is very happy with her work and proud to be a part of the team.


Cony Taj


Cornelia Taj Vigil has been a part of the Partner for Surgery | Compañero para Cirugía team since August 2009. She is originally from Antigua Guatemala and currently works in the cleaning and maintenance department.

Cony has over 40 years of experience and supports all activities to the best of her abilities. She speaks Spanish and enjoys listening to music and spending time with her family in her free time. She is happy to be part of the team, considering it her second family.

Meet Our Health Promoters


Mayra Chen

Mayra Chen

Residence: San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz
Languages: Q’eqchi’
Roles: Patient coordinator in Surgical Missions, promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program, coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Alta Verapaz.
Dina Salguero

Dina Salguero

Residence: San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala (originally from Jutiapa)
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Patient coordinator in surgical missions, nurse in surgical missions, certified nurse in IVAA rapid testing, promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program, coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in the department of Jutiapa.
Marta de la Cruz

Marta de la Cruz

Residence: Salamá, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, Q’eqchi’, Poqomchi’
Roles: Support, accompaniment, and translation to patients in Surgical Missions; promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program; coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz.
Julio Sel

Julio Sel

Residence: Ixcán, Quiché
Languages: Spanish, Q’eqchi’, some Poqomchi’
Roles: Nurse and promoter in Surgical Missions; promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program; coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Alta Verapaz and Quiché.
Miguel Brito

Miguel Brito

Residence: Nebaj, Quiché (Ixil area)
Languages: Spanish, Ixil
Roles: Promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program; coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in the Ixil area of Quiché.
Surama Perez

Surama Pérez

Residence: Huehuetenango, Huehuetenango
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program in Huehuetenango; interested in returning to support Medical and Surgical Missions.
Jandery Aguirre

Jandery Aguirre

Residence: Chinautla, Guatemala
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program in Guatemala City area and nearby municipalities.

Zoila Tut

Residence: Purulhá, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, Q’eqchi’, Poqomchi’
Roles: Promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program; support, accompaniment, and translation to patients in Surgical Missions; coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Alta Verapaz.

Angela Perez

Angela Pérez

Residence: San Antonio Ilotenango, Quiché
Languages: Spanish, Quiché
Roles: Promoter in The Cleft Infant Nutrition Program, supports Surgical Missions and coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Quiché, Totonicapán, and Quetzaltenango.

Adolfo Sis

Residence: San Miguel Chicaj, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, Achí
Roles: Coordinates Rural Mobile Medical Missions in Baja Verapaz.
Aleida de la Cruz

Aleida de la Cruz

Residence: Purulhá, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, Q’eqchi’
Roles: Supports surgical and rural Medical Missions.

Alejandra Estrada

Alejandra Estrada

Residence: Zone 3, Guatemala City
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Supports Surgical Missions as a promoter and nurse; supports Rural Mobile Medical Missions; occasionally assists in warehouse activities.

Clara Ponce

Residence: San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, Q’eqchi’
Roles: Nurse and promoter in Surgical Missions; promoter in Rural Mobile Medical Missions.
Fabiola Tecu

Fabiola Tecú

Residence: Rabinal, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish, some Achí
Roles: Supports surgical missions as a nurse and promoter; projected to support Rural Mobile Medical Missions.

Margarita Bin

Margarita Bin

Residence: Purulhá, Baja Verapaz
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Supports Surgical and Rural Mobile Medical Missions.
Marisol Canel

Marisol Canel

Residence: Between San Juan Sacatepéquez and San Raymundo
Languages: Spanish
Roles: Supports surgical missions as a promoter and nurse.
Angelica Gomez

Angélica Gómez

Residence: Alta Verapaz
Languages: Q’eqchi’, Spanish
Roles: Promoter in Surgical Missions; projected support in Rural Mobile Medical Missions.

Rosa Rosales

Rosa Rosales

Residence: Ciudad Vieja, Sacatepéquez
Languages: Spanish
Roles:Promoter in Surgical Missions; office support.

Board Members



Todd Peterson

Board President and Co-Founder

Background: Todd Peterson is the Owner and Director of the youth sports organization i9 Sports.  Previously, Todd was the Senior Manager of International Affairs at the American Society for Microbiology for eight years.  Todd has a masters in International Affairs and Economics from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Todd served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the rural village of Paquip, Guatemala from 1997-1999. While in Paquip, Todd saw a significant lack of access to surgical care for rural Guatemalans and coordinated surgeries for 14 of his neighbors with visiting international surgical teams. In 2001, Todd and his father, Frank, formalized this effort by founding Partner for Surgery. Since then, Todd has been an active member of the Partner for Surgery Board and has served as President since 2020.

Location: Todd resides in Oakton, Virginia with his wife and two children.


Frank Peterson

Treasurer and Co-Founder

Background: Raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Frank Peterson received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. During his time there, he met his future wife, Linda, at a fraternity function, and they married in 1962. He went on to receive a PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 1966 from Northwestern University. Frank’s entire professional career was with the U.S. Navy as a civilian, where he led the Naval Architecture and Hydromechanics Department. He took early retirement in 2000 to expand a community support model using local individuals to help those in need of surgical care.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: In January 2001, Frank spent three months in Guatemala learning about available community resources. By the spring of 2001, he had incorporated Partner in Health (later renamed Partner for Surgery), and by the summer, the IRS approved its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. In the fall of 2001, he recruited Todd to return to Guatemala and lead the efforts to establish a functional presence.

After Todd’s departure in 2003, Frank recruited Peace Corps Volunteers who had completed their tours in Guatemala to stay and lead the organization’s efforts. In 2004, he worked with influential Guatemalans to establish an independent Guatemalan nonprofit, Compañero en Salud, and later in 2010, its successor, Compañero para Cirugía.

Frank served as president of Partner for Surgery and principal fundraiser from 2001 through 2019. During this time, he participated in more than 50 rural triage teams and provided oversight for efforts in Guatemala. In 2020, he resigned as president and assumed the position of treasurer.

Location: Frank currently resides in McLean, Virginia

B Coningham_Headshot Feb 23

Beatriz Coningham

Board Member

Background: Beatriz Coningham is the Founder & President of HabilisGlobal, and specializes in consulting for global remote companies on organizational leadership, learning and change. Beatriz’s career includes leadership roles in global organizations establishing and leading teams in organizational development and learning and human resources management. She has worked in 20+ countries, and especially in Brazil and the US.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Beatriz Coningham has been a Board Member for Partner for Surgery for more than 15 years. She has supported the Board in all issues related to strategic planning, Board development,and human resources in Guatemala.

Location: Beatriz is based in Washington, DC, USA, and travels extensively around the world for family and work.


Dharma Pachner

Board Member


Involvement with Partner for Surgery: 


Don Heebner

Donald HeebneR

Board Member

Background: Don Heebner is the founder and former President of Franklin Security Corp., a Philadelphia-based provider of electronic security systems. He led the company for 35 years before retiring in April 2006. Throughout his career in the Electronic Security Industry, Don served as Regional President of the Southeast Pennsylvania Burglar and Fire Alarm Association, and as Director of the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Don Heebner is currently a dedicated board member of Partner for Surgery, a 501(c)(3) charity that sponsors surgery for the underserved in rural Guatemala. From 2017 to the present, Don has organized and led a team of doctors and nurses from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Smiles for Guatemala on cleft lip and palate surgical missions. Through these missions, over 500 children have received corrective surgery.

Location: Don resides in Telford, PA, where he continues his active involvement in various local and international service projects.


Edward Butler

Board Member

Background: Edward Butler is a retired  Service Officer with the U.S. Agency for International Development. Married with two children and four grandchildren, Ed has a rich history of international service and expertise. He served in executive-level positions in ten African and Latin American countries, showcasing his extensive experience in international development and diplomacy. Notably, Ed spent three years as the Peace Corps Director in Guatemala, further solidifying his connection and commitment to the region. His career has been marked by a focus on non-profit organizational development overseas, where he has made significant contributions to the field.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Ed has been an invaluable member of the Partner for Surgery Board for over ten years. His extensive background in international development and non-profit organizational growth has greatly benefited the organization. During his tenure, Ed has applied his expertise to help shape and guide the strategic direction of Partner for Surgery, ensuring that the organization remains focused on its mission to provide surgical care to underserved communities in Guatemala. His experience with the Peace Corps in Guatemala has been particularly beneficial, offering unique insights and fostering strong connections that have enhanced the organization’s effectiveness.

Location: Ed currently resides in Washington D.C.


Ellen Davis-Zapata

Partner for Surgery Board Member and Program Committee Chair

Background: Ellen Davis-Zapata served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Rio Hondo, Zacapa, Guatemala from 1992 to 1994. She is retired from a career in municipal government in various cities in California. Ellen has worked as an International Election Observer in more than 22 countries, and as a disaster assistance employee for FEMA in several states. She volunteers in her home community and is an involved mother and grandmother to 4 children and 11 grandchildren. Ellen’s Rotary Club in Albany, CA, is an active supporter of the work of ACPC.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Ellen volunteered as a translator for an ACPC Rural Medical Mission in January 2017 and became deeply engaged with the organization’s mission. She particularly enjoys traveling to the most remote regions of Guatemala, getting to know the patients and their communities. Ellen joined the Board of Partner for Surgery because she cares deeply about the services it provides to underserved individuals.

Location: Ellen lives in Albany, California.

Buddy Coleman

Dr. Lawrance Coleman (Buddy)

Board Member

Background: Dr. Lawrance Coleman attended the Medical College of Georgia and completed his residency in Pediatrics in Charleston, South Carolina. He has practiced pediatrics for 35 years in Beaufort, SC. Currently, he teaches at a local community college  and owns a farm with his wife.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Dr. Coleman has participated in at least 14 triage trips as part of our Rural Mobile Medical Missions. He joined the Partner for Surgery Board in 2019, inspired by the organization’s dedication to improving the lives of underserved people and the reliable presence of the Guatemalan team. His first-hand experience, thanks to an invitation from his friend Dr. Shealy and recruitment by Frank Peterson, allowed him to work closely with Health Promoters and witness the impactful work being done.

Location: Dr. Coleman currently lives in South Carolina.

McNeill 1

John McNeill Gibson, MD

Program Committee Member

Background: McNeill Gibson is a general internist from Durham, North Carolina. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and completed his residency at the University of Virginia Hospital. He has practiced general medicine in Trenton, New Jersey, and Charlotte, North Carolina for 40 years.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Currently, he is a preceptor of young medical practitioners at Lincoln Community Health Center, a federally-qualified health clinic for the medically underserved in Durham, North Carolina. Over the years, he has participated in numerous medical missions to Africa and to South and Central America. He joined Partner for Surgery as a volunteer more than 10 years ago and has participated in 6 rural health triage clinics. He is motivated by the clear mission of Partner for Surgery to provide access to surgical care for underserved children and adults in rural areas of Guatemala.

Location: He currently resides in Durham, North Carolina.


Jeanette Umaña

Board President ACPC

Background: Jeanette Umaña has a distinguished history of volunteerism with both international and national organizations. She previously served as President of the Board of Directors and International Representative for Children International Summer Village (CISV) and as Executive Director of FUNSEK. Jeanette is the Founder and a Board Member of the Foundation Voser, which supports AYUVI (Children with Cancer). She has been a dedicated Rotary member since 1978, spending eight years as the coordinator of the Rotaplast Mission of the Rotary Club Guatemala Asunción, and co-founded Rotaplast Guatemala. Additionally, she served as President of the Ladies Committee of the Rotary Club. Since 2002, Jeanette has been involved with the Faces of Hope mission, supporting the surgical missions in Antigua.

Involvement with Partner for Surgery: Jeanette joined Compañero para Cirugía in 2004 and has since been an integral part of the Board of Directors. She played a pivotal role in legally establishing Compañero Para Cirugía in Guatemala and was instrumental in forming the first Board of Directors of ACPC with distinguished, well-known, and qualified individuals.

Location: Jeanette resides in Guatemala City. She has a large family, including four children, thirteen grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and is expecting two more. Additionally, she is a pet lover with three dogs.