Partner for Surgery always needs help getting the word out about the inequity of life for the Maya and the important role our programs play in improving their lives. Since our inception in 2001, over 40,000 poor Guatemalans, primarily Maya, have received medical care and health education, and over 7,000 have been given access to surgery. As the word spreads among the rural poor we serve, we need to expand our network. We rely on our volunteers and our donors to help us reach out to everyone who needs our help.

Partner for Surgery is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity and gifts to Partner for Surgery are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Spread the word

We are active in several social media websites and we need your help getting the word out. The more you like, comment and share our updates, the more people will learn about us, increasing our chances of finding donors and volunteers.

Facebook · Instagram ⋅ LinkedIn · Twitter


Our work is made possible by the generosity of our donors. Please consider donating through one of the following channels:

  • Donate directly via Network for Good.
  • Use Amazon Smile for online shopping, which converts a % of your purchase into donations.
  • Federal employees can contribute through the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC is 11624.
  • Check with your company to see if it offers a matching gifts program. Our EIN is 54-2034427.
  • Send a check to our PO box:
    Partner for Surgery
    PO Box 388, McLean
    VA 22101, USA


We are looking for volunteers with applicable management, fund raising and marketing skills to help Partner for Surgery transform more Guatemalan lives.

If you would like to volunteer or know of someone who would be interested in joining Partner for Surgery, please send an e-mail to (Ariel Marroquin, Director of Operations) or call +1 (703) 893-4335.

Are you a medical professional?

You can volunteer to one of our medical missions.

View application form and requirements.

Non-medical opportunities

We also accept non-medical volunteers to be part of our rural medical missions. These missions spend a week working in four different communities doing patient triage, visiting patients in their homes and enjoying local cultural activities. They provide a unique look into another culture and for many participants these missions are a major highlight of their travel experiences.