November, 2024

Baby Dareck López will celebrate his first birthday on December 22 with a completely transformed smile, thanks to the incredible work of the Broken Earth Newfoundland team and the skilled hands of Dr. Arthur Rideout. Dareck, along with his mother, twin brother, and grandmother, made their first visit to the Obras Sociales Hospital in Antigua this past May for his initial surgery. Born with bilateral cleft lip and palate, Dareck’s journey toward better health has been far from easy.
For the past 11 months, he has been an active participant in the Cleft Infant Nutrition Program, where he receives vital nutritional supplements and monthly home visits from his health promoter, Surama Pérez. These visits include one-on-one educational sessions on feeding techniques and pre- and post-operative care, ensuring Dareck’s family is fully supported every step of the way.
This November, Dareck returned to Antigua for another surgery, this time joined by both his parents and his twin brother, Dereck. His mother, Gris, expressed profound gratitude to the Partner for Surgery team and the Broken Earth team for their unwavering dedication. This time, Dareck’s father, Yeison, was also there to assist Gris in caring for their little boy during his recovery.
As we continue to monitor Dareck’s progress and prepare for his final palate surgery, we’re filled with joy knowing that today, these twin brothers share an even stronger bond and are more alike than ever. Now, it’ll be even harder for mom to tell them apart!
Dareck’s resilience and his family’s love and dedication are a testament to the life-changing power of compassionate care.
Emily López
Resource and Development Director